Most of your customers will possess at least one wall - it might be holding up their office, staff room or keeping their loo private. They're probably a bit bored of looking at the paint, so you could be doing them a big favour by sending them a fancy, full colour Wallplanner to add a splash of colour. Add your name and logo and you'll come to mind every time your customer glances at the date.
Wallplanners have the whole year displayed at once and you can choose from large A2 or Super A1. Remember, the bigger the Wallplanner the more space it'll demand on the wall. Printing prices start at £362 +VAT for 250 x A2 wallplanners and we can produce the artwork from £49.
Or, if you want to give your customers a gift that's easy on the pocket, try Regular Pocket Calendars. A handy calendar complete with your logo and details will remind them all year just how useful you are. They fit easily into wallets or purses so they'll take them everywhere they go. from £49 for 500.